Pastor S. Alfred Cherubim hails from a Tamil family from Sri Lanka, on completion of his studies he served the Government of Sri Lanka as an Agricultural Officer and later joined the National Council of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka and served as the Pioneer Director of the YMCA Youth Training Centre and then he served as the Associate National General Secretary of the  N.C of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka.
He and his family were the victims of the ethnic riots of 1983 in Sri Lanka which made them to move to India and served the YMCAs of Hyderabad and the National YMCAs of India in New Delhi. He lived in India with his family for nearly seven years during this period he also engaged himself with Evangelical work and brought many people to the Lord as full believers. Two of the believers whom he led to Christ are full-time pastors now and established Churches in Andhra Pradesh, India.
In 1990 he returned with his family to Sri Lanka and started an orphanage called “COME HOME” (Children Out of Motherly Embrace, Hope Offered with Maternal Enfold) for the children who lost their parents during the ethnic riots. He together with his wife Mary Cherubim adopted 53 children (Boys) and gave them education and brought them in the fear our Good Lord. Out of them three children became full time Pastor and few of them as faithful leaders who are serving our Lord in different Churches in Sri Lanka.
Pastor Cherubim and his family moved to Canada in 2001 and he established Redeemer Christ Assembly in Brampton and serving the Lord in Canada. He has written and published seven Christian Tamil Books and two English books. Weekly, he writes Christian Articles to two popular secular Tamil News Papers and Monthly, articles to a Christian News Paper. He used to visit many countries to preach and witness in many Tamil Churches through which many people have accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour.